Saturday, June 14, 2014

Meet Your Friendly Smiling Christian Bigot Working Toward Dominion and Clearing the Way for the Rupture

Texas State Senator Bryan Hughes smiles a lot, but he exudes nothing so much as the kind of politician Seneca warned about prior to slitting his stoic wrists. Hughes has a non-confrontational style that we saw first-hand when Anderson Cooper grilled him over the efficacy and legality of so-called reparative therapy (RT), which assumes that sexual-orientational or in some cases genital differences can be prayed away. Hughes pushed for legislation forbidding political subdivisions from refusing to recognize RT. Reparative therapy, Cooper wished to point out, was forbidden to minors in some states and universally frowned upon by the psychological-psychiatric community. Having established that RT is bogus "science," the only thing Anderson neglected to point up is that the GOP rails against "socialized medicine," including Medicaid, and has a spokesperson in Rep. Michelle Bachman. Michelle ought to know a thing or two about being on the dole: husband Marcus ran one of the RT clinics and took Medicaid payments for indigent "patients." I am surprised both of them are not in prison. 

Watching the Cooper-Hughes exchange, I could not help but be reminded of a remark made by a secularist friend who says that there is no point arguing with dogma. In the YouTube exchange, Hughes hardly moves from one frozen position, but more impressively, he never frowns or even blanches at the tough questions; he just bullshits his way through them. And, again, with the same smile. I began to suspect some high tech trick, perhaps he was a hologram or a C.G.I. But Cooper's face mirrored my disbelief and utter exasperation, something Anderson is pretty good at covering up, but not this time. He knew he was staring at batshit crazy rushloony evangelical Dominionism: the takeover of world governments by or for Jesus such that he has "dominion over the world." 

I decided to look into Hughes a bit more. I found out that he was implicated in pay to play and other hanky panky in the Texas legislature, accused of flat out lying in a scandal involving the highest legislative office in the GOP pecking order. It is at To put it country simple: the guy's ethics are in question. He begins to remind me of the late William S. Burroughs' warning: "When you're dealing with a religious nut, get it in writing." More research led me to the conclusion that Texas's recent draconian abortion laws were written, in part, by Hughes. And he's been very chummy with Rick Santorum, arch homophobe and leading voice in the pro-life movement, recently moved to Texas to run a Christian movie studio, already meddling in the politics of the state, furthering the goal of the Dominionists by trying to replace democracy in Texas with a Christian theocracy.
Photo: Phil Gramm, Hughes, friend. Remember Gramm? Gramm dismantled all restraints on financial institutions, resulting, in 2008, in the collapse of the mortgage market, the housing crisis, &c. Gramm made millions off the taxpayers' backs.
Hughes proudly shows his friend Rick Santorum around the Texas legislature.

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